Saturday, January 1, 2011

What Your Jeweler Would Not Want You To Know

Are you thinking of buying some jewelry? You should know that buying jewelry is not free of risks. There are numerous reasons why a jeweler would want you to know certain things. And the prime amongst them is because you will stop buying jewelry from him! But as wise men have said, 'all that glitters is not gold' and 'every stone that sparkles isn't a diamond', so you should be careful and cautious when you go to buy jewelry. Here is a checklist of a few important things that your jeweler would not want you to know.

Diamond Sale? You must be kidding!

Did the recently published diamond jewelry on sale add tempt you enough to visit your local jewelry for a peek at what’s on sale? Or did you think, “Let me buy that diamond ring that I always wanted. After all, it’s on sale now!” Sorry to burst your bubble, but there is really no such thing as a Diamond Sale! Jewelers can’t afford to sell diamond jewelry, in specific, at reduced prices because DeBeers, who controls 65% of the market, won’t allow it. The diamond that are actually on 'sale' are either flawed or of low quality or both.

The "Perfect" Diamond Myth

Technological and scientific advancements have definitely helped the diamond industry. Now they sell diamonds that have received a facelift. These diamonds appear ‘perfect’, ‘flawless’ and ‘brilliant’. But if truth be told, these diamonds are artificially treated using either fracture filling method, a treatment that is used to fill visible cracks in the stone with a glasslike substance or then they are artificial stone because they appear just like the real rock. Needless to say, these treatments make these stones look just like the real thing and are passed off as the real stuff. Be Careful!

Precious Gemstones or Just Dyed Color Beads?

We all know that precious gemstones like emeralds rubies, sapphires are increasingly becoming rare. But did you know that many jewelers pass of colored glass beads as these gemstones and quote you ridiculously high prices for them? Yes. Moreover, many of the real gemstones are subjected to heading or oiling processes to make them look more beautiful. This is not bad, but you must check with the salesperson if they have such stones. If you have doubts, then get the stones appraised from a reliable external source.

African Blood Diamonds

Blood Diamonds? No, we aren’t talking about the Leo DiCaprio movie. We are talking about the subject of that movie. Diamonds mined in African countries such as Sierra Leone, Angola, or the Congo are called 'Blood Diamonds'. This is because slave laborers toil endlessly in the mines risking their lives to find diamonds and some of this money is given to warlords who use it to buy weapons to kill innocent civilians. It may not be possible for your jeweler to tell you the origin of the diamond as it changes many hands. Moreover, there is really no way to certify that a diamond is "conflict-free".


We are sure you already know that there are two types of pearls. Natural and cultured pearls. Did you know that natural pears are rare and very expensive, while cultured pearls are easily available? The sign of a real pearl is the nacre. Thick nacre is indicative of the fact that the pearl you hold in your hand is the real stuff. Nacre is the lustrous natural coating that emanates from the nucleus of the pearl and covers it, thus making it glow. Of course, thick nacre means more glow, and a purer pearl. Typically, pearl jewelry that is sold around $150 is made from artificial pearls and not worth investing in as it’s bound to be spoiled soon.

Antique Jewelry? Sure We have it!

Antique jewelry or estate pieces (pieces crafted between 1890 -1960) are a worthwhile investment, because they are hard to find and can always become the next fashion trend. But not all “estate” jewelry pieces are authentic and genuinely old. Beware of being conned in buying antique jewelry that has been crafted as recently as 1990 or later and given a finish that makes it look like is it an ancient piece of jewelry. Additionally, don’t buy revamped antique jewelry, if you can make out its been revamped of course. Revamping diminishes the value of the piece by almost half. If at all you are buying antique jewelry then get your jeweler to write down the following: when and where the piece was made, its condition, the type of metal or stones used, and whether they've been treated, and whether the stones are the original gems.

Extended Jewelry Warranties. Don't Bother With It!

Jewelers are selling extended warranties for just a few dollars to a few hundred dollars. These warranties become a burden because they cover only partial loss. You’d be better off buying a new insurance policy that can protect your jewelry against all kinds of loss including theft, death by garbage disposal and more.

Remember, caution is the key to buying good jewelry. Always do your research before buying jewelry and stay safe.

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